محصول شرکت Envato Elements
کد محصول: VN68S5Q
سازگار با نرم افزار: After Effects
سازگار با نسخه: CC,CS6 و بالاتر
ابعاد: 1920X1080
زمان: 00:48
پلاگین مورد نیاز:Element 3D v2
محصول شرکت Envato Elements
کد محصول: VN68S5Q
سازگار با نرم افزار: After Effects
سازگار با نسخه: CC,CS6 و بالاتر
ابعاد: 1920X1080
زمان: 00:48
پلاگین مورد نیاز:Element 3D v2
Another type of license for this product is - https://videohive.net/item/new-year-photos/18928870
My other Christmas and New Year projects - https://videohive.net/collections/6906164-new-year-and-christmas
My other projects - https://videohive.net/user/masteroff/portfolio
Project features:
- After Effects CS6 and above
- Element 3D v.2.2 plugin needed
- Full HD 1920×1080; 25 fps; 48 sec duration
- 9 Placeholders (photos or videos)
- 1 Textholder (final text)
- Expressions control – DOF (on/off); Shadows opacity; Light volume; Final text color;Reflections color; Light leaks (on/of); Snow (on/of)
- Universalised expressions
- PDF tutorial included
- Photos is not included but you can find it here: allthefreestock.com, unsplash.com
- Font is not included but you can download it here: Queen of Heaven - https://www.dafont.com/queen-of-heaven.font
- Music not included, you can find here - PremiumBeatMusic (id 18723862) - audiojungle.net/item/new-year/18723862