محصول شرکت Envato Elements
کد محصول: ZTDNSMK
سازگار با نرم افزار: After Effects
سازگار با نسخه: CC,CS6,CS5 و بالاتر
ابعاد: 1920X1080
زمان: 00:26
بدون نیاز به پلاگین
محصول شرکت Envato Elements
کد محصول: ZTDNSMK
سازگار با نرم افزار: After Effects
سازگار با نسخه: CC,CS6,CS5 و بالاتر
ابعاد: 1920X1080
زمان: 00:26
بدون نیاز به پلاگین
- 100% After Effects
- No plugin required
- Universal Expressions
- HD 19201080 | 25 fps
- After Effects CS5 or higher
- PDF Tutorial included
- Free font you can find (http://www.dafont.com)
- The images and audio use in the preview are not included. You can find them here: pexels.com and photos from Justice & Police Museum collection.
- Music: You can use any of the following link to your liking (https://audiojungle.net/item/smoke-hiphop/34349879)
Please feel free to contact me via profile page for the customization.
Many Thanks Redreams