• دانلود موکاپ مانیتور دیواری

  • Large Screen Mockup

دانلود موکاپ مانیتور دیواری

محصول شرکت Envato Elements
کد محصول: C2JPMPT
سازگار با نرم افزار: Adobe Photoshop
ابعاد: 6000(w)X4500(h)px
فرمت : PSD
DPI 300
مود رنگ : RGB
قاب : افقی

به این پست چه امتیازی می دهید؟

0 / 5. 0

About the Product:

Fully customizable and high quality Large Screen Mockup, ready for your custom design.

Product features:

Easy to edit with Smart Object
Ambiance color automatically adjusts to your design
Turn on/off the People
File size 6000x4500 pixels 300 DPI

What’s included:

01 PSD file
PDF help file


You will need _Adobe Photoshop CC_ to use this product. This product requires that you have a basic knowledge of Photoshop.

What’s not included:

Please note that the designs in the placeholders (including fonts and photographs used in the design previews) are NOT INCLUDED with the product and are for display purposes only. All placeholders are blank for you to insert your own designs into.
_Please refer to the Help file for steps, tips, and notes for using the Mockup._

ارسال دیدگاه

پشتیبانی تلگرام
کانال تلگرام
دیگر وب سایت های ما
یکی از روش‌های زیر را برای بازیابی رمز عبور انتخاب کنید