محصول شرکت CreativeMarket
کد محصول: 2487970
سازگار با: Adobe Photoshop
ابعاد: 5400 x 3600 px, 18 x 12 in
DPI: 300
محصول شرکت CreativeMarket
کد محصول: 2487970
سازگار با: Adobe Photoshop
ابعاد: 5400 x 3600 px, 18 x 12 in
DPI: 300
- High quality/resolution file | 5400x3600 | 18”x12" | 300dpi
- Minimalist background to make your designs stand out
- Editable smart objects with layers Fully Named
- Easy to use and Impressive presentation for clients
- Photo Realistic Production
- Please see the preview samples
- Help guide included
- If you have some questions, please contact me through my profile page