محصول شرکت Envato Elements
کد محصول: SPFARJN
سازگار با نرم افزار: After Effects
سازگار با نسخه: CC,CS6 و بالاتر
ابعاد: 1920X1080
همراه با موسیقی
بدون نیاز به پلاگین
محصول شرکت Envato Elements
کد محصول: SPFARJN
سازگار با نرم افزار: After Effects
سازگار با نسخه: CC,CS6 و بالاتر
ابعاد: 1920X1080
همراه با موسیقی
بدون نیاز به پلاگین
Searching Titles is a clean and modern After Effects template features 10 Searching Titles with a premium and professional design. The perfect choice for your browsing content, logo reveal, opener and many else. Video Tutorial included to help you customize the Titles easily. Universal Expressions made this template works in any languages. Easy to edit, friendly design and well-organized with modular structures design made this template useful for many occasion and will save a lot of your time. Simple open the title, edit the text and the color if necessary, combine with your video or any project and you are done!